Discover the microbial composition in culture-free samples – bacteria and fungi

With the 1928 analysis you get insights into the microbial composition of your sample in minutes. Whether it is for a single sample or comparative studies, the 1928 Platform offers you several possibilities to analyze and visualize your data.

1928 enables fast and culture-free amplicon analysis for Healthcare, Food Safety and Environmental Studies

Chart above showing relative abundance in the samples.


Your samples contain a diverse microbial community.
Explore what it is.

What is 16S?

16S is a gene found in all bacteria and consists of several conserved and variable regions. By using readily available primer kits, one or several variable regions can be amplified, sequenced and subsequently processed by bioinformatics algorithms including comparing to a database. The result is a table of relative abundances across different taxonomic levels.

16S rRNA gene: Structure of the prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene showing the nine variable regions V1-V9.

What is ITS?

The Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region is located between the small-subunit and large-subunit rRNA genes in the chromosome. The most widely sequenced DNA region for strain identification of fungi is the ITS region, which has been recommended as the universal fungal barcode sequence. The ITS region is found in all fungi and consists of several conserved and variable parts. These can be identified by the 1928 data analysis and subsequently be compared to a database.

Fungal rRNA gene: Organization of the fungal rRNA gene showing two internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS).

What is fungal ITS sequencing used for?

ITS rRNA sequencing is a common amplicon method used to identify and compare fungi present within a given sample. Directly on the specimen or from a cultured sample. In the routine diagnostic microbiology laboratory, ITS sequencing has become essential for the accurate and fast identification of fungi that are resistant to antifungal drugs. For fungal plant disease diagnosis the ITS sequencing technique has been applied to a range of fields, like agricultural production, petroleum exploration, and the food manufacturing industry.

Taxonomic classification of polymicrobial samples

What type of amplicon analysis can 1928 provide?

1928 can analyze amplicon data from the Illumina, IonTorrent and Oxford Nanopore sequencing platforms. We provide analysis support for all the commonly used targeted regions for which standard sequencing preparation kits are readily available.

  • Amplicon
  • 16S
    Illumina, IonTorrent
  • 16S
    Oxford Nanopore
  • ITS
    Illumina, IonTorrent

The results are compared to the SILVA database for 16S sequences, and the UNITE database for ITS fungal sequences, and are visualized as relative abundances. Based on the results you can create abundance charts, data exports and reports.


Advantages of our user-friendly amplicon analysis platform

Fast and Cost-efficient icon

By only sequencing targeted regions of the genome, sequencing is fast and cost-efficient

Culture-free method icon

The analysis can be done on diverse bacterial or fungal samples without culturing

Reduced problems icon

Reduced problems with contamination

High sensitivity icon

High sensitivity


We provide fast and affordable 16S/ITS bioinformatics analyses of samples for the identification, classification and quantitation of microbes within complex microbial samples.

All projects include a comprehensive report with bioinformatics analyses results for short and long read 16S samples and shortread ITS samples.

The sample report for each amplicon analysis includes metadata, sample quality and additional information about the diversity of taxonomic results for the included samples.

The analysis also enables a direct comparison of the diversity between samples using an interactive abundance diagram. In addition to this, alpha diversity is also shown.

And don't forget, our team of expert bioinformaticians is here to help you get the most out of your data.


“75% of the bacterial species in a sample were detected”

A study from 2019 by Gupta, S et., namely Amplicon sequencing provided more accurate microbiome information in healthy children compared to culturing, indicates that approximately 75% of the bacterial species in a sample were detected with 16S rRNA sequencing compared to only 24% by culture.

Traditional culture methods create a bias to species that thrive in the laboratory environment. Whereas 16S rRNA and other DNA based methods directly from specimen are less sensitive to such bias.

Gupta, S., Mortensen, M.S., Schjørring, S. et al. Amplicon sequencing provides more accurate microbiome information in healthy children compared to culturing. Commun Biol 2, 291 (2019).

Read the Study

How do I get started?

We are proud to be able to support your 16S amplicon or ITS amplicon sequencing workflow by generating high-quality results in a rapid time frame.

Ask us any questions – your answer is just a click away!

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